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Develop an excellent, equitable and just education system


Develop an excellent, equitable and just education system

This is the sixth ambition identified to help shape the development of Coming Back Stronger - Camden's Education Strategy.

What we need to understand better
  • How do we develop models of school organisation, leadership and funding that meet our vision for both excellence and equity but are also are resilient and flexible in a context of reducing pupil numbers and financial challenge?
  • How do we ensure that Camden’s approach to children with SEND is inclusive and well-integrated within our overall approach?
  • How do we improve the quality, breadth and take-up of post-16 provision in Camden so it becomes more collegial, focused on serving all young people in our communities well?
  • How do we create the balance and mix of provision for all our children to learn well, including the hardest to teach, and ensure this is responsive as needs change?
  • This engagement phase has finished

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