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Building a vision for 2030 that works for everyone


Building a vision for 2030 that works for everyone

The purposes of education

In developing the draft strategy, we have reflected on the purposes of education, and developed a model reflecting our values in Camden. Education has the power to transform lives. It nurtures and develops individuals, allowing them to thrive. We believe it also has an essential role in helping individuals grow as good citizens, ambitious for change, and able to contribute positively to their communities and society. Education can shape the values of future generations to create a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable society.

We want all young people to leave Camden schools as:

  • ambitious, knowledgeable, intellectually curious and ready to continue learning throughout their lives so they can live, work and manage the challenges of an uncertain world with confidence and skill
  • good communicators and collaborators able to put across their thoughts, feelings and ideas, working well with other people
  • healthy individuals able to manage their own physical and mental well-being and lead fulfilling lives
  • creative and enterprising , ready to participate positively in life and succeed in work
  • socially and morally responsible changemakers , who not only understand their rights and respect the rights of others but are also able to contribute actively to their community and to the planet.
  • To achieve this, we will provide an excellent education for every child in our schools. We also recognise the importance of home learning and early childhood development and we want to ensure that all young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, move into adulthood as confident learners. Our ambitions are for:

  • A Fair Start
  • An Excellent School Experience
  • Flourishing Lives
  • These ambitions rest on the two pillars of equity and excellence . Our schools do not have to choose between achieving academic excellence or supporting children who start from a position of disadvantage. A system which is better for disadvantaged children is better for everyone.

    Achieving this vision demands a curriculum that is inclusive, inspiring, creative and horizon-broadening. We are committed to providing enrichment experiences for every child. We see this enrichment as a right for every child, not just for those whose families can afford it.

    Camden entitlement pledge

    This pledge promises every pupil in a Camden school the opportunity to:

  • See themselves in the curriculum and feel a strong sense of belonging to the school community
  • Perform music, drama and dance and experience performances not only in Camden but also in London’s theatres and music venues
  • Learn to express themselves visually and creatively, often inspired by visits to London’s museums and galleries
  • Understand Camden’s and London’s histories and cultures through local visits
  • Meet inspiring role models from a wide range of jobs and professions
  • Participate in sports and outdoor activities, including teams and competitions
  • Learn how to achieve and maintain good physical and mental health
  • Know how to eat healthily, including how to cook and grow food
  • Take a position of responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills both in school and in the wider community
  • Develop enterprise skills, for example through support for a charity or local enterprise
  • Understand and feel part of a global and diverse world
  • Care for the environment and our planet
  • Our four foundations

    Underpinning the pillars of equity and excellence are four foundations to enable us to achieve the change set out in this strategy.

  • A strong place-based system - a system that understands and reflects local demographics, histories and values.
  • An ambitious, inclusive system - a system that breaks down the barriers to learning by calling out inequalities, acting to address them, making sure children and young people feel a strong sense of belonging to school and community so that no one is left behind.
  • A collaborative and federating system - a system where we use collaboration to motivate, learn and achieve better, taking collective responsibility for all our children, working together in formal and informal partnerships, including federations, so they are well served.
  • Think, test and learn - a system where we are constantly developing ideas and new practice and approaches, learning from research and staying at the leading edge of new and effective practice in education by trialling new ways of working.
  • This engagement phase has finished

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